Orange County, Florida…. What’s in Your Water ?

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I have made all the additives to the water to make it drinkable Bold for your ease to find “What’s In Your Water!”

Claude H. Dyal Water Treatment Plant


The Dyal Plant is located on State Road 520 in east Orange County.

Water treatment

The Dyal Water Treatment Plant is unusual for Central Florida because it is capable of treating both ground and surface water.  Ground water enters the plant where chlorine, lime, soda ash, and coagulant are added to remove hardness and suspended solids.  Fluoride is then added to the water in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency/Center For Disease Control guidelines.  Carbon dioxide is added to reduce the ph and to stabilize the water.  Chloramination is used to disinfect the water before passing through filters containing sand and anthracite coal.  Turbidity (cloudiness) is constantly measured at each filter.

Surface water requires a different type of treatment.  After surface water enters the plant, ferric sulfate, hydrated lime and a polymer are added.  Ozone is injected into clarified water for disinfection, taste and odor removal, and for control of disinfection by-products.  After adding ozone, the water is treated with hydrated lime, carbon dioxide, chlorine, and ammonia before passing through sand and anthracite coal filters.  Turbidity is constantly measured at each filter.

Water from both processes is pumped and blended into storage tanks before it is sent into the distribution system and to your home or business.

The surface water treatment plant was built alongside the existing ground water treatment plant and came on line in October 1999.


The Dyal Plant is located on State Road 520 in east Orange County.

Wow…. That’s a lot of Toxic Stuff!!! There are a couple of other plants in Orange County Florida but I could not find the treatments used on their sites. I requested information and once I receive it I will update this section!

Posted in What's in Your Water.